Level: Tehnical


We’ll use Arduino environment to set up ESP32 module for communication via LoRaWAN network protocol for data exchange with online server and remote I/O control.

Overview of workshop

  • Using the Arduino development environment for simple firmware prototyping we will program ESP32 WiFi LoRa module with code for connecting the module via the LoRa Low Power Wide Area Network protocol (LPWAN) to the internet.
  • Basic steps in provisioning the LoRa based IoT devices on the The Things Network server and short intro into complete LoRa infrastructure.
  • Getting the sample data from our ESP32 device from TTN to our own webserver (running NodeRed) using the MQTT protocol.
  • Setting up simple functionality to turn on/off IO pin and display control on the ESP32 board from the NodeRed webapp.

Drivers, sample code etc will be available upfront on Github.


  • notebook running Arduino (Mac, Linux or Win – it works on all platforms)
  • micro USB cable (not absolutely necessary, but good to have with you)

Uroš Maleš – working with IoT devices for the last 7 years, mainly focusing on using GSM, NBIoT and LoRa communication, background in the IT, worked on the web apps and firmware development. Currently working as a product manager and in charge of PoC projects and 3rd party integrations at Pessl Instruments.

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