Level: Technical

The talk will present a web-based solution and its architecture for sharing secrets by utilizing HashiCorp’s Vault cubbyhole and single-use access tokens.

We’re going to introduce Vault and how to configure Vault (token policies in particular) to support this solution.

For end-users solution offers easy to use web interface with only two options. First being an option to write new secrets and define Time To Live of a stored secret, the second option will allow a user to insert the unique token in for it predicted field and display the secret.

For developers, the solution offers REST API which, also, support both actions. Making it easy for developers to integrate a solution into existing systems and automate the process of sharing secrets between applications and users alike.

Dino Hrgetić, IT enthusiast with 3 years of experience in the Telco industry with a focus on role-based access controls and web development.


[Slides (PDF)] [Recording (MP4)]

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